Empowering churches to focus on their mission

At the Resonate Collective, we’re passionate about leveraging 21st-century systems to empower 1st-century gospel movements. We resource churches and pastors so they can focus on multiplying disciples and developing leadership teams.

The church will not be stopped

The North American church is struggling but the good news is that Jesus hasn’t left us without the necessary tools.

The next generation is waiting to be empowered to own their space in God’s kingdom.

We know how hard church leadership can be

Leading the church today can be overwhelming and it can feel like all your time goes to anything but the ministry God called you to.

Do any of these pressures sound familiar?

  • You’re stuck behind a laptop doing administration instead of leading people

  • You can’t find leaders to develop and deploy to do the ministry

  • Funding is hard to find

  • It’s hard to grow a church in an environment of high turnover

  • You feel isolated and lonely as a pastor

It doesn’t have to be this way. We want to help you overcome these barriers so you can do what God has called you to do.

Since 2007 we’ve been planting churches in difficult-to-reach places with limited resources all while committing to building strong, collaborative relationships.

How we can help

  • Streamline Your Admin Tasks

    Offload administrative weight to give you more time for your mission.

  • Foster Innovative Communities

    Build communities that inspire innovation and action to help you find breakthroughs.

  • Cultivate Leadership and Growth

    Help you build a leadership and multiplication culture that develops your sending capacity.

“Don’t let organizational hurdles keep you from your missional purpose.”

  • Innovative Community

    Our NEXT team exists to connect you with a community of leaders who can help you take your next steps toward multiplication.

  • System Support

    Our Amplify team will help you find more margin for our leadership team with both system coaching and plug-and-play services to keep you off your computer.